Independent Living Skills

- Spend some nights away from home
- Take care of your health and grooming (e.g., shower daily, use deodorant, take own
- Clean and organize your room every day
- Work on cell phone skills
- Manage your own money (e.g., manage your own bank account, set up a budget, keep track
of expenses)
- Buy things that you need
- Prepare and cook meals
- Use a map and the bus system
- Complete chores and tasks around the house (e.g., do your own laundry, make your bed,
wash dishes, empty trashcan)
- Making friends (or initiating appropriate relationships)
- Practical Money Skills
- Tools to Help Manage Daily Life for College Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Academic Skills
Practice the use of technology (e.g., computer, typing, internet, etc.)
- Practice the use of email (e.g., accessing, reading, writing)
- Reading and Writing daily
- Visit the public library and public spaces
- Organize and manage classroom and homework
- Complete academic tasks
- Practice basic math skills (e.g., addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
- Use a calculator
- Math practice, strategies, and supports
- Zoom Directions for Students - A Guide
Vocational Skills
Resources for educators
Other resources
Click to download - UNT ELEVAR Resources PDF File